In many divorces, the single most contentious and emotional issue is who will raise the divorcing couple’s daughters and sons. This means that there is often acrimony in child custody cases, as soon to be divorced husbands and wives struggle to get the parenting arrangement they want. A spotlight has been shown on this struggle in a new film called “Romeo Missed A Payment,” which has interested viewers in states like Arizona.
The filmmaker, Angelo Lobo, drew from his own real life experiences in making the movie. He has been through a divorce and child custody issues himself, and they influenced how he made the movie. In an interview with the Huffington Post, he noted that he understood firsthand how difficult and hurtful the experience can be for children and parents alike. He expressed that he hopes the film will be a source of education and support for parents going through comparable situations, as well as for those who have been through them in the past.
The movie comes at a timely juncture, since parents and children in Arizona and other states are dealing with the issues it represents. Challenges often arise when divorced parents can’t agree on things ranging from what schools to enroll the kids in to what doctor to use. Sometimes these issues can be worked out by using a capable mediator. Other times, it takes going back to court and addressing them in a legal setting.
Because the issues involved are very multifaceted, anyone faced with a child custody case may want to speak with an attorney with experience in this area of law. That way, they can be fully apprised of their legal rights and options. With that knowledge, they can pursue a parenting arrangement that is in the best interests of their children.
Source: American News Report, “Child Custody in a Divorce: Let the Fight Begin World” No author given, Feb. 04, 2014