Terminating Parental Rights In Arizona
When Do A Parent’s Rights Need To Be Terminated?
One purpose of severing a parent’s legal rights is to allow another individual to adopt the minor child.
For example, a grandparent who is raising a grandchild because the child’s parents are unable to care for the child, may want to learn more about severing parental rights and adoption. Likewise, if a stepmother wants to adopt her stepchildren, the rights of the biological mother must first be terminated.
Learn more about how our firm can assist you with an adoption in Arizona.
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With offices in Phoenix, Prescott and Scottsdale, DeShon Laraye Pullen PLC is available to assist you anywhere in Arizona. Feel free to schedule a confidential consultation with one of our attorneys by calling our firm at 602-626-9552 or 800-409-0262. You can also reach us via our online contact form. We respond to all inquiries as promptly as possible.